CERVIRON in the treatment of vaginitis
CERVIRON in the treatment of vaginitis
The benefits of Cerviron® in the treatment of atrophic, aerobic, and traumatic vaginitis
Vaginal inflammation is often present in the diagnosis of vaginitis, especially in inflammatory desquamative vaginitis. Signs and symptoms include abnormal discharge, vestibular-vaginal irritation, and dyspareunia. Physical examination of the vaginal walls shows signs of inflammation with increased erythema and petechiae.
The clinical performance of Cerviron as adjuvant in the treatment in non-specific or symptomatic vaginitis was demonstrated during the 90-day clinical investigation. Administration of Cerviron significantly alleviates the symptoms of symptomatic, non-specific, non-infectious vaginitis, and its administration can be considered safe.
The Cerviron medical device reduces vaginal inflammation, as shown by laboratory microscopy in the clinical study conducted for the assessment of the performance and tolerance of the medical device. Alteration of inflammatory and parabasal cells was relevant with a significant number of study participants showing an improvement.
Cerviron can be used as long-term supportive therapy, either as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with other oral antibiotic, antifungal or antiviral therapies. Cerviron maintenance therapy can be prescribed for 10 or 15 consecutive days. While balancing vaginal pH, Cerviron reduces vaginal inflammation and improves the appearance of vaginal secretions after 3 months of therapy. Cerviro has been safely administered to all age groups with or without a healthy diet and hydration.
Regarding sexual activity, Cerviron can be safely administered to both sexually active and abstinent women. During pregnancy, the medical device can be administered under the supervision of the gynecologist, because Cerviron restores vaginal pH, reduces inflammation and will reduce the proliferation of aerobic bacteria.